Reading Room Family Series: 13 Ancient Mysteries Found in the Record of Genealogy of Your Family Tree


By Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy Team


13 Ancient Mysteries Found in the Record of Genealogy of Your Family Tree 

We're reading from a chapter in the Deliverance from the Wrong Family Tree Book.

Every family has history written in their ancestry and passed from one generation to the other through blood. There is the scroll wherever family events are documented, and the book of Matthew tells us that Jesus had one, called “the Book of Genealogy”. The book of genealogy usually holds all the information, events, and history of a family. They usually contain ancient records of the defining events of a family.


The book on the genealogy of every family can give detailed information about a family line. In a family line, patterns, and history re-occur. Covenants are kept. When people take time to study their family history, it is easier to get the vital details they need to uncover their purposes. Anyone who seeks to understand their family history needs to take a look at some units of observation. Some of the following units of observation are discussed in this chapter.

#1: WORSHIP: It is of utmost importance to find out if your ancestors entered into salvation, and served God wholeheartedly. When looking at the pattern of worship in a family tree, there are a lot of items to look for. This gives an understanding of the type of covenants the ancestors got involved in.

 Every family who serves the Living God has their ministry before God. This is why Aaron and His sons were appointed as Priests before the Lord.

Leviticus 8: 1-3: And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: “Take Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments, the anointing oil, a bull as the sin offering, two rams, and a basket of unleavened bread; and gather all the congregation together at the door of the tabernacle of meeting.”

Every family has a calling before God. This is why it is disastrous for a man to marry the wrong wife, and a wife to marry the wrong husband. Each of them tries to go different ways because there is no alignment in their calling.

Types of Family Calling

Israel as a nation was ordained as a holy nation, a nation of priests. Each of the tribes in Israel has a unique calling, and some of those callings can be identified by their roles in the house of God. The types of calling and anointing determine the types of offices held in the house of God. 

Priests in the house of God

Musicians in the House of God

Singers in the house of God

Teachers in the House of God

Scribes in the house of God

Gatekeepers in the house of God

Administration officers in the house of God

Operation officers in the house of God

Hospitality/chef officers in the house of God

Artisans in the house of God

Treasurers in the house of God

Helpers in the House of God

Covenant with God

Each family has a unique covenant with God. This is why it is important to understand the covenant God instituted with your family line. This is why it is also important to understand the covenant the Lord has with the family of your marriage or intended place of marriage. 

 Similarly, any family who is engaged in idolatry also has covenants and dedications with satan. This is why any believer seeking deliverance must inquire to know which gods their ancestor served, what kind of dedication is in place, and what kinds of covenants are still standing, so they can be revisited one by one and broken, by the blood of Jesus.

Get the book here

#2: MARRIAGE: It is important to understand what types of marriages took place in the family line. Questions to ask include?

Who got married to who? 

From which types of families were people marrying?  

In some families, there are scenarios where people get married later on in life rather than earlier. “Now afterward Hezron went into the daughter of Machir the father of Gilead, whom he married when he was sixty years old; and she bore him Segub” - 1 Chronicles 2:21.

Early marriage

Late marriage

#3: BIRTHS AND CHILDREN: The book of genealogy contains the births in a family line. It contains information about the type of children born into a family. Questions concerning Who gave birth to whom are answered. 

Patterns Seen in Children

As a result of the sin of Achan, the entire tribe was in trouble. Hence, the wrongful act of a child in a family can bring an entire family into the anger of God. For this reason, the act of the children in a family line must be studied, to know what kind of errors they are prone to, so parents may take such actions before God’s presence in prayers.


At some point in Israel, there was a child who brought an accursed thing into the camp, and the Lord’s wrath was upon Israel as a result. The Bible records in 

Joshua 7:1 

But the Israelites were unfaithful regarding the devoted things; Achan son of Karmi, the son of Zimri,the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took some of them. So the Lord’s anger burned against Israel.

Trends Seen in Children

The book of genealogy explains the behavior of children born into the family lines. In some families, there's chronic sibling rivalry between the children. In some families, the younger child must not obtain a seemingly better achievement than the older sibling, there will be battles. In some families, sibling rivalry is so predominant that one of the siblings must steal the wife or husband of another. In some families, there are negative situations surrounding the birth of each child that is born. In some families, every child drops out of school around a similar age range. In some families, a child dies abruptly for no reason. In some families, there is a case of unresolved infertility, and children are sourced from gods and goddesses. In some families, children become drunkards and all these negative patterns continue to be their norm until someone in the family line brings such matters before God for a resolution while on a deliverance mission like this.  

Only First Generation Births 

In some families, only the first-generation parents give birth, the next generation of children raised do not have children and die without children. This was seen in 

1 Chronicles 2:20-32 - the sons of Nadab were Seled and Appaim; Seled died without children. The son of Appaim was Ishi, the son of Ishi was Sheshan, and Sheshan’s son was Ahlai. The sons of Jada, the brother of Shammai, were Jether and Jonathan; Jether died without children

One Gender Births

In some families, they only give birth to sons, while in some families, they only give birth to daughters.

Many Births & Few Births

In some families, their parents give birth to many children, while some families only have a few children.

Similarly, in some families, some children are well-behaved, some are warriors, and some are leaders from childhood. 


Family names are a symbol of family heritage. The purpose of a family is engrained in a family name. This is why the enemy specializes in giving children names that do not align with their destiny.   

Some children are in bondage today because their parents gave them the wrong names. This case is seen in the life of Jabez as seen in 1 Chronicles 4:9, despite being more honorable than his brothers, he was named after the pain of his mother, hence there was so much pain around his life until he sought deliverance from the Lord. 

Some families tend to name their children specific types of names that align with the purposes of God. The devil knows this and also tries to influence godly names.


Some families record notable patterns in their timeliness. Timelines of events in the lives of descendants in those family lines are arranged chronologically. The children born into such families encounter similar successes around the same times, those children encounter failure the same. 

In some families, when descendants become leaders, the length of their reign is significant and similar to milestones in the lives of other descendants from such families. David reigned as a king in Jerusalem for 33 years, and Jesus, a descendant of David spent 33 years on Earth mostly in the same location.

Get the Book Deliverance from the Wrong Family Tree

About the Book, Deliverance from the Wrong Family Tree, here

The preservation of genealogy ensures that identity is retained and there is a smooth transition of inheritance from one generation to the other. Satan and his host of agents have successfully launched a silent slave market operation where the captives are children who eventually grow up ignorant of their enslavement in the wrong families. This slave market is skillfully run by the devil, and with operations set up within family units. Many children, now adults, have been planted in the wrong family tree, filling the emotional voids of others and serving the wrong purposes in the wrong families. Much has been stolen from the destiny of those planted into the wrong family tree, as they are made a slave to the destiny of others. Until the deliverance of God locates such captives, and they are grafted by Jesus Christ into the household of God, will their true identities be released, and they work in their God-given mandates here on earth. This is a Holy-spirit powered book with prayers that will move the hand of God to shatter the jar of secrets sitting upon your identity, inheritance and destiny.