Reading Room: How to Kindle the Only Fire that Extinguishes Witchcraft


By Prophecy Team

In this article, we're sharing a chapter from the book, The Only Fire that Extinguishes Witchcraft, so you can get educated on this subject, and find protection in the fire of the Holy Spirit, so you will not be overwhelmed or burned by the fire of witchcraft oppression. 

Witchcraft operation is a robust strategy for the organization of darkness. It is one of the highest organized invisible establishments in the kingdom of darkness.


David’s Revelation of Witchcraft Shared With Solomon

Proverbs 1:14 for their feet rush into evil, they are swift to shed blood. 

Proverbs 4:16 for they cannot rest until they do evil; they are robbed of sleep til they make someone stumble.

Isaiah’s Revelation of Witchcraft

Beyond these descriptions; Isaiah is given the revelation of witchcraft in the 59th chapter of his book:

Their cobwebs are useless for clothing; they cannot cover themselves with what they make. Their deeds are evil, and acts of violence are in their hands. Their feet rush into sin; they are swift to shed innocent blood. They pursue evil schemes; acts of violence mark their ways. The way of peace they do not know; there is no justice in their paths. They have turned them into crooked roads; no one who walks along them will know peace.

Ezekiel Revelation of Witchcraft

The Lord showed Ezekiel a vision of the display of witchcraft in the 8th Chapter of Ezekiel from verses 6 through 12:

Furthermore, He said to me, "Son of man, do you see what they are doing, the great abominations that the house of Israel commits here, to make Me go far away from My sanctuary? Now turn again, you will see greater abominations." So He brought me to the door of the court; and when I looked, there was a hole in the wall. Then He said to me, “Son of man, dig into the wall”; and when I dug into the wall, there was a door. And He said to me, "Go in, and see the wicked abominations which they are doing there.” So I went in and saw, and there—every sort of creeping thing, abominable beasts, and all the idols of the house of Israel, portrayed all around on the walls. And there stood before them seventy men of the elders of the house of Israel, and in their midst stood Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan. Each man had a censer in his hand, and a thick cloud of incense went up. Then He said to me, “Son of man, have you seen what the elders of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the room of his idols? For they say, ‘The Lord does not see us, the Lord has forsaken the land.’ "

All these revelations shown to God’s mighty men of the scriptures are still very much true about witchcraft operations today.


 Witchcraft is a force of darkness. Witchcraft is the enemy of righteousness. Witchcraft powers are those who eat up people as they eat bread as described in Psalm 53 verses 4b. Witchcraft power is the enforcer of wickedness. Witchcraft power is the embodiment of wickedness. Witchcraft is the author of confusion and deception. Witchcraft is a master manipulator. Witchcraft is the embodiment of evil. Witchcraft is all around; closer than you may think. 

 Witchcraft establishments engage in detailed planning and continue to enlist agents to executive their missions. Witchcraft operations will not advance if the day-to-day assigned tasks of witchcraft agents are unable to be executed. Witchcraft assignments are so complex that the task is broken down into manageable levels. Hardly does witchcraft suddenly destroy a person without succeeding in the previous stages. 


Everywhere around us, in our communities, in businesses, churches, families, marriages, schools, and everywhere thinkable, there is an underground witchcraft operation running. Unfortunately, most of these operations run efficiently too because believers are unaware of them. Witchcraft operations run on a cycle, and this segment breaks down that cycle. Witchcraft practices are a form of deadly satanic worship at satan’s altar and often require a sacrifice.

The Hook of Witchcraft

Witches on assignment are shameless; and they will shamelessly pursue their target with all types of allure, in the hope of using a “hook” to capture their targets. Once their victims become “hooked”; they turn very deadly. Witchcraft agents pursue their victims in the hope of securing a sexual covenant, which is the utmost covenant and the most destructive. This is why; any public office holder who is successfully held in this contract by withccraft will be on the decline. It is where many fall. Same with business or ministry leaders, it is the contract that secures the introduction of diseases into their bodies and the complete capture of their souls.  

Witchcraft Operations: Demonic Meetings, Demonic Locations, Demonic Agents, and Demonic Agendas

Witchcraft establishments run operations like physical establishments and they are goal-oriented. They have quotas, they have agents, they have targets, they have run strategies and they run meetings all the time. Some of these demonic groups meet every night at specific locations invisible to the human eye. Witchcraft operations run everywhere around the world. The downside to this is that their operations are highly guarded and destructive.

Witchcraft Operations: How Witchcraft Operations Run

When witchcraft identifies a mission or a potential victim, the success of that witchcraft operation is organized into multiple levels.

Devices of Witchcraft

Manipulation -- Pity --Control -- Enslave -- Steal - Drain -- Kill  --Destroy

Witchcraft progresses through each stage of operation only if an individual permits it. A lot of times, witchcraft attacks succeed in the lives of people because of what people allow into their lives. A lot of people find out they have been under witchcraft attacks, but they cannot see the root causes. 

The influence of witchcraft is far beyond what we currently know; it's active in the church, in businesses, and hidden in plain sight. 

To defeat witchcraft, you need a thriving life in the Word of God, the sound knowledge of God, the revelation that comes from God's Word, the power of discernment, the application of God's Word, and a vibrant life in worship and prayers; with these spiritual tools, you can kindle the fire of God to extinguish all fires of witchcraft, in Jesus Name. Wherever a worshipper of God is, witchcraft cannot thrive; and becomes subjected to the Lordship of the Lord Jesus.

Culled from the Book - The Only Fire that Extinguishes Witchcraft - shop the book here